Maybe It’s Time We Rest

Spring is starting to emerge and life is beginning to reappear. And then an alarm is rung and to some it sounds like panic.

There are no carts at the grocery store, lines are long and shelves empty. Do we have enough wipes to clean every surface and what about water and oh, yes, toilet paper!

I don’t think this is what’s meant in that old expression about spring coming in like a lion. No, that’s meant for weather not words like pandemic.

Our schedules, routines and everyday lives have been disrupted. For many, there is confusion and anxiety. This is not when we feel like resting. This is when we want desperately to change what’s happening around us. Yet, again, we realize we aren’t in control.

Maybe it’s time to rest.

To do the opposite of busy.

Rest isn’t our norm. We need to be occupied, in control, preparing, teaching, driving. We need to DO.

This not having to do and be has been one of the most challenging parts of retirement for me. I’m gaining new perspectives while trying not to appear, or feel, lazy. I’m trying to learn this rhythm of rest. It’s not just for children who need naps or retirees. Rest is part of God’s design for us.

Rest doesn’t mean do nothing rather a time to replenish what busyness blocks.

Walk around the block. Notice the new buds on trees or unexpected snowflakes falling. Listen for bird songs. Look up at the clouds finding shapes among them or the night sky finding the brightest planets.

Our libraries have closed but I can check out eBooks and read on my iPad. Speaking of that, be thankful we have electricity, clean water, and the internet.

Change up your reading and find a new author or genre. Modern Mrs. Darcy always has good recommendations.

Rest is pulling back from the things that empty us from remembering who we are. How long has it been since you drew in your sketch book or made a fancy dessert or meal?

When was the last time you listened to an actual record – with headphones?! Or wrote a letter and mailed it to a friend?

This is the time we remember who and whose we are.

Maybe it’s time we settle into our comfy chair, let the laundry wait an extra day and serve sandwiches for dinner. Maybe we can learn to appreciate this new rhythm and make some of it part of our daily life.

Maybe we can finally breathe in slowness and exhale anxiety.

found on Pinterest image created by DebbyHudson,creative

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28-30 Message

4 thoughts on “Maybe It’s Time We Rest

  1. I love this. Yes, we need to rest – to have pajama days and extra screen time and adventures that we just don’t have time for during the school year. We are noticing and connecting (and fighting!!) more and I hope we look back on this very weird time in our family’s story with fondness, not fear.

    1. I so agree, Annie, fondness not fear.

  2. I agree 100%! Sometimes rest is best.

    1. It’m starting to get better at this 🙂

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